May 2014
After designing and painting for the show 'Rent' at the Old Joint Stock Theatre, i was asked to spray paint graffiti for another production of 'Rent' in May 2014 at the Crescent Theatre. This show was performed by the Arcadians on the main stage.
Below are the final images which were spray painted onto grey boards, provided by the company.
In total it took 2 full days to complete the 3 spray painted boards and one evening to draw and paint the acrylic board 'NYC' and 'Angel'.
(Unfortunately i do not have any pictures of the completed set due to timing implications.)
AZT Final
Spray Paint
Fight Aids Final
Spray paint
The Life Cafe Final
The Life Cafe - Almost finished
Final board
NYC and Angel painted with Acrylics as another style idea.
The final ideas were sketched out onto grey boards, which were provided by the theatre company.
The Life Cafe
Initial Spray Paint
White primer
Fight Aids
The Life Cafe
No Day But Today
Initial graffiti / style ideas for 'Rent' at the Crescent Theatre, performed by the theatre company, The Arcadians.
Rey, New York
Fight Aids
L.E Side, Angel, Life Cafe